We experience the universe through the excitation of sensory receptors and the firing of neurons in their respective cortices. What we perceive as reality is the culmination of a multitude of stochastic systems working together to form the idea of consciousness. Through the use of technological prosthetics we expand our collective consciousness into realms which are outside our innate empirical and physical limits. This work explores those limits and highlights the contrast between the advancements of humans and their relative insignificance within the context of the greater cosmos.

Strange Loops - Rover is rendered live so each iteration is completely unique. Starting from a randomly generated static image, the static is compared, pixel for pixel, with a referent image - in this case a first-person view of the Curiosity rover exploring the surface of Mars. If a pixel on the randomly generated image matches the corresponding pixel in the referent image that pixel is fixed, otherwise it is again randomized. This leads to the slow emerging of a new image, based on the original referent yet generated entirely by a stochastic process. Revealing the ability of chaos to beget order.



Strange Loops - Heart Radical


Strange Loops - Solar